Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Use Of being Silent @arrowsrecordsandstudiose.com

arrowsrecorecordsandstudioseallseasons100 This tang we use to speek with its so sensitive,anyway its the key of your life and a description of who your. If you mis use your tang then your likely to live in regretion and tears. Right now the devil is suffering becouse of its tang and dis obeying GOD becouse of its words. Look at farraw calling him self GOD and then GOD destroys his generation; This tang does not work alone,at times what you say its what is always done. We use our tangs to praise the lord,we also use our tangs in bussness negotiation. Prophet muhamad peace be upon him says[who ever believes in one GOD and the day of judgement,then he should speak good words or else be silent]silence is important in humankind,its a sign of patience,it also brings respect in people. Like prophets dont talk like there wish,its a revelation they are always given and thats when they speak. we are surposed to preach righteouse and a void obsine words thats when GOD will put his mercy on us. otherwise for more lectures subscribe here https://youtube.com/c/arrowsrecordsandstudioseallseasons100 https://www.badrukaneza.blogspot.com https://www.kanzirarecords.blogspot.com https://www.arrowsrecordsandstudiose.blogspot.com arrowsrecordsandedutainment.com kanzirarecords@instagram.com kanzirarecords@facebook.com

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