What do you think should always be your way forward, whats your mindeset, do you put in action what is written down or its all about growth , do you need to give it time to grow,may be you need to be part of the growth, be the learder and the commander and the shape of everything , in order to get that cream you need to be involved in this hustle war zone, you need to be the direction of your dreams, create a clear description of your legacy, what is your image, how do you reflect to the environment, what do you want them to call you after your death, , don't forget to value yourself, GOD is in youso don't a shame your lord , let him be proud of your silence, make him your guidance you will be safe.otherwise get intouch with us on https : / / www.badrukaneza.blogspot.comARROWSRECORDSANDSTUDIOSE

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badru the relationship between death and