Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Freedom begins from home,we need freedom interms of our lives.
Since GOD gives us life free and that's why we should be free,we gain nothing when we tourcher our selve we need one another,we shall not live this foreve,our time is limited on this world,we should also worship GOD in truth,and also live like brothers and since our blood is the same, 


Jesus is a son of marry,and a prophet,he was given injil in order to call peaple towards GOD,his birth was so mariculas since he was born without a father but adam was also created without a father even without amother so GOD does anything he feels like.
GOD says in the
qur'an(the creation of jesus is like the creation of adam he was created from sand and GOD put air in him and he became adam)  it is not be fitting for GOD to beer a child if he needs something he says be and immidiatly it is done,
Jesus says in the qur'an(oh you children of israil iam a massenger of GOD and a prophet who is coming after me his name is ahmad)here ahmad he was meaning muhammad,so get intouch with us on


badru the relationship between death and