Sunday, August 9, 2020


Bleesings are given by allah
tabaraka wataala every creature was created with his own bleesings different bleesings no body gives bleesings apart from allah peaple like going to witches for bleesings which is very bad you need to believe that only GOD gives bleesings all you need to do is praying to him ask him anything you want couse he say (pray to me iam very near) do good things ever preach love everywhere thats when you will raise your bleesings do everything for his sake not showing off GOD likes that be obidient to his rules be obedient to the prophets teaching follows his suna acts you will catch up with allahs bleesing every day has its own bleesings we dont know what will happen tomorrow thats why we need to keep praying everytime since we are not perfect in everything we need to ssk allah to open up his bleesings towards us ask him for forgivenes since he is the most merciful love one another respect one another we should also show our love towards our loard
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